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Welcome new visitors to New Vision Christian Church.
The purpose of New Vision Christian Church is to glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, by sharing the gospel, helping others, loving one another, being slow to take offense and quick to move toward restoration and reconciliation, continuous study of the Word of God and to make it part of our daily lives. We believe that Jesus came down to lift up humanity and that the only time you should look down on anyone is to lift them up. Our vision is to communicate and demonstrate to the world that Jesus gives us New Beginnings, New Life, and New Vision..
Senior Pastor Van C. Houser

Van C. Houser is the senior pastor of New Vision Christian Church (NVCC) in Helena, Alabama. With more than 29 years in the ministry, Pastor Houser’s objective is to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the world through the proclamation of the gospel; to equip the saints of God for the work of the ministry so that people everywhere will receive the good news of Jesus Christ, repent and be saved, experience the presence, peace, power and prosperity of God, promote unity of the believers, and express love for God and each other.
Pastor Houser is a native of Chicago, IL. He received a bachelor’s degree in Bible and pastoral counseling from Selma University and Biblical Counseling Certificate from Birmingham Theological Seminary. He was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Tennessee School of Religion in 2000. Pastor Houser is a devoted husband, father, and grandfather. Pastor Houser’s lovely and dynamic wife is the former Kendralyn Crowder, a native of Louisville, MS.
“We proclaim Jesus The Christ, The Head of The Church, The Manifested Word of God. Touching lives through love giving help, hope, healing and harmony. Making a permanent change in our immediate world and with those with whom we come in contact. Ultimately developing New Beginnings, New Life and New Vision.”
2383 County Road 95
Helena, Alabama 35080
Helena, Alabama 35080
Telephone: (205) 919-6678